Freelance Legal and Non-Legal Professionals, Lawyers, Dispute Specialists, Law Professors, Arbitrators, Academics, Retired Judges, in addition to Private Practitioners and Lawyers in law firms
When I started exploring freelancing legal claim management as a side job, with complete freedom to work from anywhere at any time – whether I’m in Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, or Brisbane – Practiclaim was a perfect choice for me; I not only found it challenging and fulfilling on all levels, but I also gained access to a wider professional, international client network at zero cost and risk.
Acting as my own boss, I had the opportunity to work alongside international colleagues with access to quality complementary work, just like a partner in a conventional firm.
As a dispute resolution practitioner focusing on international arbitration, I find Practiclaim’s model to be a logical and efficient method of assessing justice for both small and large claimholders, mainly in the commercial and consumer arenas.
For many years, I was underrepresented and kept under-the-radar despite my specific expertise and diverse entrepreneurial skills. Practiclaim’s rethought talent model offered me the opportunity, not only to join its network but most importantly excel in what I do.

Practiclaim Managers are the backbone of the platform, specialized dispute practitioners dedicated to handling all aspects of claims. As independent claim managers, they act as liaisons between users and the Claim Service Providers, to ensure consistency, coordination, and the best outcome for each claim. They are responsible for issuing initial claim pre-assessment notes, carrying out preventive work, preparing pre-claim dispute notices, conducting risk assessments, devising post-award recovery strategies, and assessing dispute risks as well as performing high-level management throughout the claim process – along with coordinating claim budgets, managing instructions and fee engagements. We offer them the opportunity to join Practiclaim cost free as preferred claim managers on a selective basis.
Allocation of work is assigned on a conflict-free non-exclusive basis, whether users are onboarded on the platform directly, sourced by themselves or by other claim managers. Diversity, Inclusion, Free-Choice, and Neutrality principles guide the allocation of claim mandates, not based on a traditional linear assignment model.
Keeping in mind the guiding principles that underpin the Practiclaim model, we ask that claims be processed in an ethical, self-managed, conflict-free, interests-aligned, and collaborative manner. Forward-thinking approaches and flexible value-based fee schemes constitute the main characteristics that Practiclaim is looking for in its claim managers.

Work and collaborate on a preferred non-exclusive basis
Have a broader professional, international client base
Take no risk, take no cost, while making a gain
Integrate a new under-the-radar and underrepresented diverse entrepreneurial talent pool
No fee-earning targets
Be your own boss, with complete freedom to work from anywhere at any time
Generate additional work while keeping your other jobs
Develop your subject-matter expertise while earning fees
Forge claim mandate-related alliances of limited duration
Free not to refer work, while receiving additional financial recognition if you do so
Access to claim management professionals with legal or non-legal background
Work alongside international colleagues with complementary expertise just as you would as a partner in a conventional firm
Enjoy Practiclaim insourced work
Be rewarded with the bulk of your value-based claim management fee in alignment with Practiclaim service providers engagement schemes